Current Writing & Works in Progress:

What happens when you leave hollywood, only to find out you've been "performing" for love your whole life?

Memoir: "Role Breaker"

As a former professional actress, I'm fascinated by the "roles" women are taught to play in our everyday lives - "good girl," "girlfriend," "wife," "mother," "caretaker," "homemaker," - and the fact that all women are excellent actresses.

Through (mostly) funny personal stories about my time in Hollywood and subsequent recovery journey for co-dependency & people pleasing, I tell the truth about who women are when the curtain falls and the lights dim.

Because the truth is: all of us are exhausted trying to fit the role of "perfect woman," because, as we're finally admitting: there is no such thing.

A novel of the italian renaissance that shines a light on the lesser-known witch trials of Mirandola...

Historical Fiction: "Ember Days"

During my semester abroad in Florence Italy in 2008, I was accidentally put in a class called "the history of Witchcraft" and it changed everything...

I learned that one of the first-known full scale witch hunts took place in Northern Italy during the Renaissance period, and that that particular witch hunt was THE MOMENT in history that "witches" became synonymous with "women".

My heavily-researched historical fiction novel "Ember Days" follows Giovanna, the daughter of the town healer and midwife, as she struggles to prove her family's innocence in the face of disgraced Catholic inquisitor Heinrich Kramer's witch hunt in Mirandola Italy in 1486.

CUrrently Seeking Representation...

CUrrently Seeking Representation...

At the beginning of 2024, I was craving a place where I could share my more personal stories, feelings, and writing without being confined to talking about "business" or having my work be something that was fueled by/dependent on money. I started my Substack "The Magic Lab" to have an outlet for those stories. I'd love it if you joined me there!

 Join my Substack Newsletter:
"The Magic Lab"!

5 ways to support your friends in the ‘Dead Dads Club’ this Father’s Day... read more

The cost of pre-marital fertility treament is falling exclusively on single women & it's not okay... read more

Learning to embrace my gray hair after a decade of dying it for Hollywood... read more

Viral Personal Essays:

Until leaving “The Business” at the height of her career, Kelsey Formost spent over ten years as a successful actress; from studying with the Royal Shakespeare Company to roles in successful Off-Broadway plays, to parts in star-studded movies and Emmy-winning TV shows like Modern Family, New Girl, and Days of Our Lives.

Along with her work on camera, she honed her writing skills by creating and pitching original screenplays to major networks. After working with her, Oscar-winning screenwriter Ron Bass said, “Kelsey has a strong, unique voice, and an innate grasp of the elements of storytelling. She is quick, articulate, confident. My admiration for her ability led to a collaboration with her as writing partner...I can tell you firsthand that Kelsey is a real talent.”

In 2018, Kelsey transitioned from Entertainment to the world of online entrepreneurship. To date, her company Magic Words Copywriting has served over 8,000 people (& counting). After going through a devastating breakup and recovery journey in 2021, Kelsey started her popular podcast “Find Your Magic” where she interviews world-class professionals about the intersection of mental health and entrepreneurship.

Kelsey has been a featured guest on 30+ podcasts (all geared towards self-help for women), had bylines in top publications like Glamour, TODAY, Shondaland, and AdAge and been a speaker at some of the leading marketing and entertainment summits in the country like ‘South By Southwest’ and Hubspot’s ‘Inbound’ conference.

Kelsey currently lives in Santa Barbara, CA with her partner.

Official Author Bio: